Reply To: สูตร Candle Volume for Aminbroker

/*SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); GraphXSpace = 15;
SetChartBkGradientFill( colorSkyblue ,colorRose);
_N(Title = Date()+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+ "   Edited by K.Riyashree"+ "Website:"+ EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"  Free Code"
+"   Afl Name :  EquiVolume or CandleVolume charts, On Amibroker  " + EncodeColor(colorGreen)  
+ "   Open:"+ Open+" ,"+"High:"+High+" ,"+"Low:"+Low+" , "+"Close:"+Close  );*/
ChartType = ParamList ( "Chart Type", "CandleVolume,EquiVolume" );
Plot( C, "", 39, styleBar | styleNoDraw );
Maxy = Status( "axismaxy" );
Miny = Status ( "axisminy" );
pxchartheight = Status ( "pxchartheight" );
pxchartbottom = Status( "pxchartbottom" );
pxchartwidth = Status ( "pxchartwidth" );
pxchartleft = Status( "pxchartleft" );
fvb = Status ( "firstvisiblebar" );
Lvb = Status ( "lastvisiblebar" );

function yConvert( Value )
    return  pxchartbottom - floor( 0.5 + ( Value - Miny ) * pxchartheight / (
Maxy - Miny ) );

MinVolume = LowestVisibleValue( Volume );
MinVolume  = Max ( Minvolume, 1 );
//printf ( "Min Visibe Bar volume  = %.f\n", Minvolume );

sigma = 0 ;

for ( i = BarCount - 1 ; i > fvb - 1  ; i -- )

    ratio = Volume[i] /  MinVolume;
    sigma += ratio;

//GfxSelectPen( colorBlack );

Space = 1;  // space between candles
visiblebars = Lvb - fvb + 1;
totalspace = Visiblebars * space;

unitpx = ( pxchartwidth - totalSpace ) / sigma; // pixel
LastbarRatio = Volume [BarCount -1] / MinVolume;
delta = unitpx * Lastbarratio / 2;
start =  pxchartleft + ( BarCount - fvb - 1 )  * pxchartwidth / Visiblebars +
Chg = C - O;
// Basic Parameter Setup //
	Price = ParamField("Price",3);

    FastPrd = Param("Fast MA Period",12);
	SlowPrd = Param("Slow MA Period",26);

for ( i = BarCount - 1 ; i >= fvb && start > 0  ; i -- )
	// From CDC Action ZOne Basic //
	//       21st April 2017      //
	// Main functions //
	Fast = EMA(Price,FastPrd);
	Slow = EMA(Price,SlowPrd);

	Bullish = Fast > Slow;
	Bearish = Fast < Slow;

	// Bar Colors //
	Green = Bullish AND Price[i] > Fast;
	Yellow = Bullish AND Price[i] < Fast AND Price[i]  > Slow;
	Brown = Bullish AND Price[i] < Slow;

	Red = Bearish AND Price[i] < Fast;
	Aqua = Bearish AND Price[i] > Fast AND Price[i]  < Slow;
	Blue = Bearish AND Price[i] > Slow;

	BarColor = IIf(Green,colorGreen,IIf(Yellow,colorYellow,IIf(Brown,colorOrange,IIf(Red,colorRed,IIf(Aqua,colorAqua,IIf(Blue,colorBlue,colorDefault))))));
    //fillcolor = IIf ( Chg [i] > 0 , colorLime, colorRed );
    fillcolor = IIf ( Chg [i] > 0 , colorWhite, BarColor[i] );
    GfxSelectPen( BarColor[i] );
    GfxSelectSolidBrush( fillcolor );
    ratio = Volume[i] / MinVolume;
    width = unitpx * ratio ;
    width = Min ( width , pxchartwidth / 5 ); // limit max bar width in pixel to chartwidh/5

    if ( ChartType == "CandleVolume" )
        x = start - width / 2;

    y1 = yConvert ( High[i] );
    y2 = yConvert ( Low[i] );

    if ( ChartType == "CandleVolume" )
        GfxMoveTo ( x, y1 );
        GfxLineTo( x, y2 );

    x1 = start - width;
    x2 = start ;

    if ( ChartType == "CandleVolume" )
        y1 = yConvert ( Open[i] );
        y2 = yConvert ( Close[i] );

	// Un-comment these to enable optimization //
	// Do not forget to set your own lower and upper limits //
	// Do not forget to comment the FastPrd and SlowPrd lines above //
	SlowPrd = Optimize("Slow MA Period",26,12,125,2);
	FastPrd = round(Optimize("Fast MA Period",0.1,0.1,0.6,0.05)*SlowPrd);

    Hgt = y2 - y1;
    if ( Hgt == 0 )
        Hgt = 1;

    y2 = y1 + Hgt;
    GfxRectangle( x1, y1, x2, y2 );

    start = x1 - Space;
   // printf ( "\n%.f\t %.f px" , i,  hgt );

Title = Charttype;
RequestTimedRefresh( 1 );